Moving violations includes breaking those traffic rules, which get violated while riding the vehicle, while non-moving violations include breaking those traffic rules when the automobile is not in motion. One should wear a seat belt while driving, so we can say that not wearing a seatbelt is a moving violation.

Not Wearing Seatbelt: Moving Violation or Non-Moving Violation

Not wearing a seatbelt while driving is considered a moving violation. For example, a person does not wear a seat belt while driving. In that case, not wearing a seatbelt is considered a moving violation of traffic rules. Other things which are included in moving violation of traffic rules are talking on the phone while driving, drinking alcohol while driving, etc.

Not wearing a seatbelt while stuck in a traffic jam is considered a non-moving violation. For example, if a person is driving and removes the seatbelt while in a traffic jam or traffic signal, they can get fined as it is a non-moving violation. Non-Moving violations include breaking traffic rules like parking vehicles in no parking space, parking near a fire hydrant, etc. 

Punishment For Moving Violation Of Traffic Rules

If someone violates traffic rules while driving, they can get certain punishments. Here are the punishments someone gets for violating traffic rules. they are:

Payment Of Fine

If a person violates traffic rules like not wearing a seatbelt, drinking while driving, talking to the phone while driving, etc. They will have to pay a fine for breaking the traffic rules.

  Demerit points added to the License

If a person does not have enough money or does not wish to pay the fine, the traffic cop can add demerit points to that person’s official driving license that can reduce the working date of their driving license.

Confiscate Of Driving License

If the person does not behave appropriately with the cop even after breaking the traffic rules, the cop has a right to confiscate the driving license of that person. Until the person does not provide an apology note and fine. The person whose license got confiscated cannot drive until they get their license back.

Arresting The Person

If the person does violence to a cop or runs away for not paying the fine, they can get arrested from their house. There are several cameras on the roadsides which may capture the picture of the number plates of all the going cars. Once the cop gets the picture of your number plate they can get all the details of the person and can arrest them from their house. 

Taking The Person To Court

After arresting a person, they are sent to court. They are kept in a lockup or a separate room before being taken to the court. Here the court asks the person to pay a fine for breaking rules and an extra charge for misbehaving with cops. 

Sent To Jail

If the person is unable to pay a fine even after being taken to the court they can get imprisonment of 1 month for violating the rules and three months imprisonment for misbehaving with cops.

One can get into such situations if one refuses to pay a fine for violating the rules.

Tips To Escape Fines

Here are some tips following which you can escape paying fines:

Use Seatbelt When at Traffic Signals Or Police Checkups

Always wear a seatbelt when you get near traffic signals or police checkups so you cannot get fined for not wearing seatbelts. 

Never Drink When You Are Driving

Never drink while driving, even if you are not high. Always take a cab when alone or tell your friend to drive; who is not drunk. Following this tip, one can escape allegations of drink and drive cases.

Use Wireless Devices To Talk On Phone

If you get an important call while driving, connect your call to a wireless or Bluetooth device so you can focus on driving while talking to the phone, and avoid accidents and fines.

We hope this knowledge of traffic rules may help you understand and follow them. Always follow these traffic rules as they are for our safety and betterment. It is because while you’re being careless, you’re not only risking your life but also of others. Laws are in place to avoid such mishaps and to live healthy and safe! 

Who should use a Seatbelt?

Ans. The person who sits in the driver seat, front seat, and children sitting on the child seat should use a seatbelt. 

What happens if I park my car in a no-parking zone?

Ans. If you park in a no-parking space, the traffic cop can confiscate your vehicle and charge a heavy fine from you.