Acceptable by the law: a lawful heir. A recognized and competent excuse. adverb.

Rely on your local real estate attorney to advise you regarding issues such as buying a property. The legal owner is the one who adheres to valid legislation. in accordance with established rules, principles, or standards?

To be legit, a person or thing must be in accordance with the law or a certain set of rules and regulations. I investigated him; he’s genuine.

Legitimacy is the legality or genuineness of something, and it refers to the status of a kid born to married parents. This is an example of examining the legitimacy of behavior when you query whether something is legal.

An example of a genuine sentence. Although David claims that his firm is legitimate, I am cautious because it lacks accreditation. Y was anointed the true king. He himself was qualified to be the lawful head of a unified country since he belonged to Aaron’s tribe.