What Befalls Detective Song? Analyst Sophie Song works at the Evergreen Police Department. She is the official accountable for the homicide case in which Christopher Smith/Peacemaker is a suspect. Entertainer Annie Chang (‘Gray’s Anatomy’) papers the job of Detective Song in the series, and the person initially shows up in the subsequent episode. Criminal investigator Song’s examination persuades her to think that August Smith is behind the homicide after John Economos changes the fingerprints.


Notwithstanding, Song isn’t totally persuaded that August is the guilty party and reinvestigates the case to see that the fingerprints were without a doubt traded. Before Song can make a move against Peacemaker, her new unrivaled, Captain Locke, closes down the case. In the 6th episode, Detective Song acquires a capture warrant for Peacemaker through contact with an adjudicator. She drives a team to capture Peacemaker from his trailer park home. In any case, during the hunt, the Queen Butterfly gets away from bondage and assaults Detective Song.

Is Detective Song Dead? Analyst Song can’t fight off the outsider parasitic animal’s assault. She starts to lose blood as the Queen Butterfly attempts to assume control over her body. Before long, the Queen Butterfly succeeds, and Detective Song perishes. Her body turns into the new host of the Queen Butterfly. Afterward, the Queen Butterfly accesses Detective Song’s recollections and professes to be her to overcome the police headquarters. Eventually, the Queen honey bee calls a swarm of Butterflies and assumes control over the whole police headquarters. Every one of the officials and detainees die and become has for the Butterflies.

Eventually, Detective Song is dead, however her body actually lives on. The Queen Butterfly currently dwells inside the body and is utilizing it to additional the plan for her race. It is an astonishing turn, as it permits the person to be a piece of the story, truly. Entertainer Annie Chang will keep on showing up on the show, however as a marginally unique person. Criminal investigator Song’s demise features the intricacy of the circumstance that Peacemaker and his group face. Also, by involving Detective Song’s body as a host, the Queen Butterfly has accessed limitless assets. Along these lines, it will be intriguing to perceive how the story advances starting here onwards.